pranaydhruv wrote: Hello Team,
I am trying to create an auto action so that a user can be prompted to upload their avatar instead of leaving it to a default image.
what i have tried so far :-
Trigger - on after user profile display
type - can't find a suitable one ?
condition - [avatar] equalto
action - dependent on type selected above.
pranaydhruv wrote: Hello Nant,
the workflow is as follows :-
1) User logs in and at that time they get a Popup message only incase their avatar image is blank(no image has been uploaded by them).
2)This message tells them to upload an Avatar image.
3) If they upload their image the popup message should stop.
4) incase they dont upload the avatar the pop should come on every login (so basically oniy once after they login everytime till they upload an avatar)
The reason i chose the trigger on after profile display is because in my website the user gets re-directed to their profile first.
pranaydhruv wrote: Hello Nant,
I tred the following :-
Trigger: onAfterLogin
type: code
[avatar] is REGEX /nophoto_n.png/ Yes
code=Code:alert("I am an alert box!");
Well the most logical trigger then would be the onAfterLogin, but that one does not output any html code which means that you cannot use a js alert code action to do a pop-up.