pranaydhruv wrote: Hello Team,
I have installed CBSubs Fields Tabs Protect plugin but i am unable to find this in backend to configure. Please guide me , where can i configure this ?
Please note the following :-
1) Plugin is installed and published in cbplugin management area.
2) CBSubs Fields Tabs Protect folder is created in
[root folder] components com_comprofiler plugin user
3) I am unable to post to CBSUBS forum area as don't have access rights.
Regarding 1 & 2 please download the CBSubs GPL documentation from here:
and look at its table of contents - there is a chapter about this.
Regarding 3 - I cannot see how that is possible - as a Developer member you should be able to post just fine in the CBSubs GPL forum and the Developer forum (you can also post CBSubs issues in the developer forum).