Thanks, no these were definitely new messages. Interestingly, the version of the Uddeim administrator component was 3.7 (and checking for updates inside Uddeium itself, it told me it was up to date), but the site plugins and modules for Uddeim (I mean Joomla plugins, not CB plugins) were all version 3.4, so it appears that the Uddeim check for updates doesn't check the site plugins and modules.
The modules I updated from 3.4 to 3.7 were:
uddeIM Mailbox, uddeIM Notifier, UddeIM Statistics
The plugins I updated from 3.4 to 3.7 were:
uddeIM Searchbot, uddeIM Hooks, uddeIM Content Link.
After uploading the 3.7 versions of the plugins and modules, it started working.
All most odd, however it is working now.