This seems to work except that we have the following error appearing when renewing :
NOTICE: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/plugin/cbsubspromotion/cbsubs.promotion.php on line 876
Trace:called in class cbpaidErrorHandler::_error_handler_callable(8, "Trying to get property of non-object", "/var/www/html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/plugin/cbsubspromotion/cbsubs.promotion.php", 876, array("plan" => "45", "userId" => 57, "reason" => "R", "occurrence" => 0, "item" => object(cbpaidPaymentItem), "startTime" => 1452121200, "overridePlansDisplay" => true, "resultTexts" => array(), "_CB_framework" => object(CBframework), "applicablePromotions" => array(), "paymentBasket" => NULL, "isPublished" => true, "alsoPossibleButUnusedCoupons" => true, "promotions" => array(0 => object(cbpaidpromotionTotalizertype)), "cbpaidUser" => object(cbpaidUserExtension), "is_business" => false, "address_country_code" => NULL, "address_state" => NULL, "address_zip" => NULL, "php_errormsg" => "Trying to get property of non-object", "planOwner" => NULL, "couponsAlreadyInBasket" => array(), "promo" => object(cbpaidpromotionTotalizertype), "checkResultTexts" => NULL)) on line 876 in file cbsubs.promotion.php
called in class cbpaidpromotionTotalizertype::getPromotionsApplicableForPlan("45", 57, "R", 0, object(cbpaidPaymentItem), 1452121200, true, array()) on line 1992 in file cbsubs.promotion.php
called in class getcbsubspromotionTab::onCPayAfterDisplayProductPeriodPrice("45", "<span class="cbregRate"><span class="cbregPriceCur"><span class="cbregPint cbregPintwCts">1440</span><span class="cbregPsep">,</span><span class="cbregPcts">00</span> <span class="cbregPcur">EUR</span></span></span><span class="cbregFor"> par </span><span class="cbregTimeframe">an</span>", array(0 => object(cbpaidPaymentItem), 1 => "renderPeriodPrice"), array(0 => "1440.00000", 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL, 3 => false, 4 => NULL, 5 => 1452121200, 6 => "1", 7 => "0", 8 => "R", 9 => 0, 10 => true, 11 => false, 12 => true, 13 => false))
called in function call_user_func_array(array(0 => object(getcbsubspromotionTab), 1 => "onCPayAfterDisplayProductPeriodPrice"), array(0 => "45", 1 => "<span class="cbregRate"><span class="cbregPriceCur"><span class="cbregPint cbregPintwCts">1440</span><span class="cbregPsep">,</span><span class="cbregPcts">00</span> <span class="cbregPcur">EUR</span></span></span><span class="cbregFor"> par </span><span class="cbregTimeframe">an</span>", 2 => array(0 => object(cbpaidPaymentItem), 1 => "renderPeriodPrice"), 3 => array(0 => "1440.00000", 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL, 3 => false, 4 => NULL, 5 => 1452121200, 6 => "1", 7 => "0", 8 => "R", 9 => 0, 10 => true, 11 => false, 12 => true, 13 => false))) on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call(547, "onCPayAfterDisplayProductPeriodPrice", "getcbsubspromotionTab", array(0 => "45", 1 => "<span class="cbregRate"><span class="cbregPriceCur"><span class="cbregPint cbregPintwCts">1440</span><span class="cbregPsep">,</span><span class="cbregPcts">00</span> <span class="cbregPcur">EUR</span></span></span><span class="cbregFor"> par </span><span class="cbregTimeframe">an</span>", 2 => array(0 => object(cbpaidPaymentItem), 1 => "renderPeriodPrice"), 3 => array(0 => "1440.00000", 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL, 3 => false, 4 => NULL, 5 => 1452121200, 6 => "1", 7 => "0", 8 => "R", 9 => 0, 10 => true, 11 => false, 12 => true, 13 => false))) on line 1293 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::trigger("onCPayAfterDisplayProductPeriodPrice", array(0 => "45", 1 => "<span class="cbregRate"><span class="cbregPriceCur"><span class="cbregPint cbregPintwCts">1440</span><span class="cbregPsep">,</span><span class="cbregPcts">00</span> <span class="cbregPcur">EUR</span></span></span><span class="cbregFor"> par </span><span class="cbregTimeframe">an</span>", 2 => array(0 => object(cbpaidPaymentItem), 1 => "renderPeriodPrice"), 3 => array(0 => "1440.00000", 1 => NULL, 2 => NULL, 3 => false, 4 => NULL, 5 => 1452121200, 6 => "1", 7 => "0", 8 => "R", 9 => 0, 10 => true, 11 => false, 12 => true, 13 => false))) on line 174 in file cbpaidItem.php
called in class cbpaidItem::displayPeriodPrice("R", "X", 0, NULL, 1452121200, true, false, false) on line 398 in file cbpaidPaymentItem.php
called in class cbpaidPaymentItem::renderItemRate(true) on line 466 in file cbpaidPaymentItem.php
called in class cbpaidPaymentItem::renderColumn("rate", "html") on line 2221 in file cbpaidPaymentBasket.php
called in class cbpaidPaymentBasket::renderBasketItem(468, "rate", "html") on line 2141 in file cbpaidPaymentBasket.php
called in class cbpaidPaymentBasket::displayBasket() on line 139 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.offline.php
called in class cbpaidoffline::handleOtherResult(object(cbpaidPaymentBasket), array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578"), "showinstructions") on line 142 in file cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler.php
called in class cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler::resultNotification(object(cbpaidPaymentBasket), array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578"), true) on line 686 in file cbpaidControllerCBTab.php
called in class cbpaidControllerCBTab::getTabComponent(NULL, object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), 1, array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578")) on line 1075 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.php
called in class getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab::getTabComponent(NULL, object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), 1, array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578")) on line 84 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php
called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent(NULL, object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), 1, array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578"))
called in function call_user_func_array(array(0 => object(CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions), 1 => "getCBpluginComponent"), array(0 => NULL, 1 => object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), 2 => 1, 3 => array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578"))) on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call("538", "getCBpluginComponent", "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", array(0 => NULL, 1 => object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), 2 => 1, 3 => array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578")), NULL) on line 1369 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin(NULL, object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", "getCBpluginComponent", "538", array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578")) on line 1483 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs(object(CB\Database\Table\UserTable), array("cmd" => "showinstructions", "amount" => "868.80000", "currency_code" => "EUR", "custom" => "2578"), "cbpaidsubscriptions", "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", "getCBpluginComponent") on line 710 in file comprofiler.php
called in function tabClass("com_comprofiler", "pluginclass", 57) on line 271 in file comprofiler.php
called in function require_once("/var/www/html/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php") on line 392 in file helper.php
called in class JComponentHelper::executeComponent("/var/www/html/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php") on line 372 in file helper.php
called in class JComponentHelper::renderComponent("com_comprofiler") on line 191 in file site.php
called in class JApplicationSite::dispatch() on line 230 in file site.php
called in class JApplicationSite::doExecute() on line 252 in file cms.php
called in class JApplicationCms::execute() on line 45 in file index.php
$_GET = array (
'plugin' => 'cbpaidsubscriptions',
'cbpgacctno' => '7',
'cbpbasket' => '2578',
'result' => 'showinstructions',
'cbpid' => 'cbp5693b2ead36b9274026588',
'Itemid' => '175',
'option' => 'com_comprofiler',
'view' => 'pluginclass',
'lang' => 'fr-FR',
'task' => 'pluginclass',
$_POST = array (
'cmd' => 'showinstructions',
'amount' => '868.80000',
'currency_code' => 'EUR',
'custom' => '2578',
This seems to hang the offline payment and we cannot get to the pay slip.