Dear Kyle,
I created the following :-
1) Custom HTML field and set it to display only when the user views their profile and put the url of the auto action on it. I also created 2 fields named - phoneverificationcode & userinputphonecode
2) I created a code action which has an HTMLcode for the form and also a php code. but i get an error when i run this action. Please note the error below :-
$phverf= rand(); //stores the value of rand function in phverf variable
echo "$phverf" . "\n"; // echo this just to check...when users inputs the random number received on sms
$sql = "UPDATE tablename SET cb_phoneverificationcode ='$phverf' WHERE id = $myId";
Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /plug_cbautoactions/models/code.php on line 48