Field titles support substitutions so it's possible for it to display something else based off an IF substitution. The problem is you need a CB field to condition off of. So you'll either need a CB Query Field usage setup to query for their subscription id or you need to set a fields value with CBSubs using CBSubs Fields to something unique to each plan. You'd then use a language string for the field title and translate it in your CB language files with your IF substitution in the translation. Example as follows.
'MY_FIELD_TITLE' => '[cb:if cb_profiletype="person"]Skills offered[/cb:if][cb:if cb_profiletype="organisation"]Skills asked[/cb:if]',
Ultimately it could be easier to just copy the field and have 2 of the same field or use a CB Query Field and its Query Select type to query for the values of the other one so the dropdown values at least don't have to be duplicated. This can be done with the below Query Select usage.
SELECT `fieldtitle` AS `value`, if ( `fieldlabel` != '', `fieldlabel`, `fieldtitle` ) AS `text` FROM `#__comprofiler_field_values` WHERE `fieldid` = FIELD_ID_HERE ORDER BY `ordering`
Value Column: value
Label Column: text
Be sure to replace FIELD_ID_HERE with the ID of the field you want to use for its select values.