Well, I just listed all my 11 subscription plans in the registration form ,,
Here is my CSS just in case somebody wants to know how I did it ,,
/* subscriptions style */
#cbfr_cbregplans{ /* parent div - you probably need to modify this*/
width: 70%;
/* The name of the plans and their monetary value show in one line*/
.fieldCell, .captionCell, .cbregDescription, .cbregFee {
float: left;
display: block;
/* A space between the Name of the plan and it's monetary value*/
.fieldCell {
margin-left: 10px;
/*These are the radio buttons, I had to align them next to the text*/
#cbpplan1, #cbpplan2, #cbpplan3, #cbpplan4, #cbpplan5, #cbpplan6, #cbpplan7, #cbpplan8, #cbpplan9, #cbpplan10, #cbpplan11 {
margin-top: -5px;