Hi everyone,
first of all, my setup: Joomla + CB + CBsubs + ADSmanager (all of them at the lastest version).
I realized a page that shows a list of ads with an advanced search that supports multiple conditions (e.g. size between max/min, category and subcategory of products, etc.).
This page works absolutely great, as you can see in
(DEV SSL cert, [strike]don't worry[/strike])
Well, now after applying the filter the system show a reduced list of ads, let's call this list "RESULT_ADS_LIST".
The point is: how can I show a list of users that "has an ads in the RESULT_ADS_LIST"?
Normally I would perform a query like:
forall conditions fields (c)
forall users (u)
if exists an ad (a) then must hold:
exists a field (a.f) such that "a.f contains/isEqual/whatever to c"
In SQL in easy to perform the query given the search condition.
Now my questions:
1. Is possible to do it via CB advanced filter? The field requires a valid "sql where" condition where I can use the users' fields. Following this like I was thinking something about "where u.id IN (SELECT ads.username that match my query)". In this case how I can extract the search parameters/fields?
2. If is not possible to perform the query via CB advanced filter, do you have any suggestion? Should I go directly for a pure PHP solution?