I am having some problems with the Groupjive plugins (events, file, photo, etc) when the group creator configures those as "Enable, with Approval".
For example: when a regular member of the group creates an event, he gets the message "Event scheduled successfully!". So he/she is not aware that the event, file, photo, etc still needs to get approved by a moderator, admin or owner. On top of that when he looks into the group tab for the corresponding new item, he just sees it there as if it was already visible to others. It is however not visible to other regular members of the group since it still needs to be approved.
Now when an admin opens the group, he sees the new item (let's say a file) in the list as any other file that has already been approved. There is no distinction of the ones pending. It is until he goes to the "gear" icon when he sees the option "Approve".
So in other words, the user that uploads a new item should get a message like "Event scheduled succesfully and awaiting approval" and also in the list of items (either events, files, photos) there should be one of those "clock" icons indicating that it is pending and still needs to be approved.
On a related topic, going back to the example above, a user creates a new event that needs to be approved first. All of the group members are getting the email notification that the event needs approval, not just the owner, admins and moderators. I don't think all group members should be getting these emails. I know I can disable it by default in the plugin configuration, however if I do this, by default the group owners, admins and moderators would not be getting these emails when they should.
I have already searched in the forums and website for a related issue but could not find anything. I am using latest Joomla 3.4.8, CB 2.0.13, GJ 3.0.1
Thanks in advance!