thanks guys for clearing that out.. I did indeed mistaken the invoice number with the id field in the database.
From your remarks I could see I made a wrong assumption based on maybe a bad explanation form my side
When a user registers, a new user is added within '__cbsubs_subscriptions'.
As i had to create a own method for my users to be able to pay with a dutch payment gateway I simply used the $_POST-custom variable as i thought this was the ID used in '__cbsubs_subscriptions'.... but it is used for the payment_basket.
As these tables where 1 ID of (payment basket AI_number was 47 and cbsubs_subscriptions was 48_.. it would result in such a behavior that user #48 would activate the account of user#47 bij paying.
Unfortunately I don't have the money to invest so you guys could create a proper payment gateway.. but I understand that with my limited knowledge about CB Subs that would be great investment when we receive a couple of payments
thanks again guys.