I have a medium complex registration process - 6 exclusive plans, with some non-exlusive add-ons, dependent on which plans is selected. Some profile fields/tabs apply to some plans, so the dynamic registration form is perfect to implement this.
When I select a plan that includes fields from multiple tabs, the fields are listed in tab sequence, then by field order within the tab. This ordering puts fields like Captcha and Terms & Conditions from teh User tab (the first tab in sequence) in the middle of my form, not at the end where these fields normally would be.
I tried changing the field order numbers (globally unique) of captcha field to be higher than the lower ordered fields in the other tabs, but it didn't affect the ordering on the registration form. It appears each tab is rendered, one after the other, in the order listed in Tab Manager
Any way to implement/enforce the global ordering on the form?