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[SOLVED] CB Registration emails - making custom modifications

  • EPICweb
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8 years 9 months ago - 8 years 8 months ago #282402 by EPICweb
I need to modify the emails sent during the steps of registration. I've trolled the forum and even searched on the web and found a couple of answers.

First, look at the CB Primer. I did and did not see any specific information about the Registration emails, other than they exist, much less modifying them.

Then there are several threads in the forum suggesting modifying a the default_language.php file in /components/com_comprofiler/plugin language files. I found this file, but I am not clear about what to change and where. It looks like it contains every language string in CB. As there are description lines identifying ?additions? made in different builds... well it's very intimidating. BTW, one thread was 7 years old, showing how far this goes back.

But now I'm confused because with CB 1.9 (I believe) I remember modifying the email with information we wanted the new registrant to know immediately. This was done in the administrator. I can find no sign that content still exists anywhere.

I need to be able to read (in human language please) and modify (in human language) the emails that go out upon registration. I want to add an image and probably two or three paragraphs. Why cannot these things be done easily in the administrator using a WYSIWYG editor like JCE or the Joomla default editor? A preview function would be very nice.

Maybe you guys can kick it around to do this in a future version? For those of us who do not know php language and should not be mucking around in system files, such a change would be a great boon. It would also cut down on repeated posts about the same thing since it would be more self-explanatory.

Or, a detailed tutorial maybe? Exactly which file. Exactly which lines. Exactly where the custom text should go and how to keep it after an upgrade? Should we put this in a custom file? Where does that go? What exactly goes in there in terms of any formatting info? See, this is why I should NOT be in the php files!

Sorry for the length. Thanks in advance for the chance to vent a little and maybe learn something.
Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject

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  • krileon
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8 years 8 months ago #282410 by krileon
The pending and welcome emails are both configured within CB > Configuration > Registration. This is has not changed from CB 1.x and is outlined in the CB 2.0 Primer and in our youtube videos below.

You do not have to modify the language strings and can just adjust the parameters directly if you don't need multilingual usage.

WYSIWYG editors are intrusive and force their formatting onto the parameter. We use a textarea field in most places and directly support HTML in most places. Nothing is stripped from your input and nothing is modified on save. Try TinyMCE for example and you'll notice it forces its formatting and parsing onto your content; it's beyond frustrating to see tags stripped that you didn't expect or every linebreak forced into a paragraph format; all of which is the default WYSIWYG behavior that most don't even know how to turn off.

Modifying language strings right now requires modifying the language files, which we've explained in the CB 2.0 Primer in addition to our language page below. However, we will be adding an override feature for language plugins in a future release that lets you add override strings from backend without having to touch anything.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • EPICweb
  • EPICweb
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8 years 8 months ago #283152 by EPICweb
Thanks, Kyle!
The override feature sounds great.

I found Nick's excellent video on the language override plugin and am going to give that a go on my sandbox.

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