Thank you for your advice.
So I reinstalled GroupJive and went on with the following test
|_ Member (13)
·|_ Paid Member (17)
··|_ Premium (29)
···|_ Gold (35)
Registered: Registered, Member, Paid Member, Premium, Gold
Member: Member, Paid Member, Premium, Gold
Paid Member: Paid Member, Premium, Gold
Premium: Premium, Gold
Gold: Gold
The TEST Group belongs to the TEST category which is set for Member access.
The test consist in posting a first post "P1"
and directly after, a second post "P2"
- OK means that we get the two posts apart with two lines in the #__groupjive_plugin_wall table
In such a case, within saveWallEdit in component.cbgroupjivewall.php, $row->id was NULL
- NOT OK means that the second post takes the place of the first one in the only one line of the #__groupjive_plugin_wall table
In such a case, within saveWallEdit in component.cbgroupjivewall.php, $row->id had a value (in my case, it was 1)
Between each test, the user accesses were modified directly, for instance:
DELETE FROM `#__user_usergroup_map` WHERE `user_id` = {the_user_id};
REPLACE INTO `#__user_usergroup_map` (`user_id`, `group_id`) VALUES ({the_user_id}, 43);
TRUNCATE TABLE `#__groupjive_plugin_wall`
The cache on the server was cleared.
and the user reconnected in the front end.
The following profiles of the same user {user_id} were tested:
(13) ## Member OK
(17) ## Paid Member OK
(29) ## Premium NOT OK
(35) ## Gold NOT OK
There is maybe a problem traversing the ACL tree.
I hope this will give some direction to find what's going on, because for the present the Wall is unusable for us.