Well we used :
[var1_password] not egal to [var3_password] with onAfterUpdateUser and onAfterUserUpdate and the php code executes correctly
With [var1_username] not egal to [var3_username] and the same triggers and code, nothing is executed, and the code auto action does not fire.
I have also tried with [username] not egal to [var3_username] , no results neither
Also tried elsewhere :
if ("[var3_username]" > 0) { $cbpapid = "[var3_username]";} else {$cbpapid = "[username]";}
but no results neither.
is var3_username existing when there is a change of username ?
I have the same question for email change.
As an email change must be confirmed by a link received by the user, when is the email really changed ? I mean when editing the profil for an email change AND a username change, you are returned to the profil edit page and you receive a link to confirm the email change. In this case, do we have still access to the var3_email when returning to the profil edit page ?
Can you help me on these ?