Use case:
Registered users are assigned to organizational regions, based on their addresses (US state)
Since addresses change adn the assigned region is purely derived data, I recalculate/requery the assigned region each time the profile is created/updated using a Query field type.
I was looking for the query result in comprofiler, but the field name never appeared, so I assume the field is virtual/dynamic, e.g. queried every time the profile is viewed and the specific values for each profile are not persisted in #__comprofiler table.
I built a number of mailing lists AcyMailing) and reports (Reportico) that filter on the region field value.
In Reportico, it's not a big deal, as I have built reporting-specific views at the db level using the same logic as the query field.
Inside Joomla, I have a problem - as the query field value isn't stored in comprofiler, it isn't available to other components that integrate with CB, like AcyMailing.
Is there a solution (using the currently available field plug-ins) that will
1) re-query a field's value on profile edit, and
2) persist the result in the profile as a non-virtual field?
If SQL were allowed in Auto-Actions, I would do it there.