Hi Krileon,
I spoke too soon. I must have done something wrong or perhaps not made my problem clear enough - sorry.
Using the previous solution I discovered that users were unable to login after their profile had been viewed. This is because the previous solution actually changes the data in the profile. This is not what I was trying to achieve.
What I have is a list of users (Lodge secretaries) and when their profile is selected I want to Lodge Name to appear in the browser tab and not the member name as it does now.
If you look at this page -
You see the profile title is set to be the Lodge name - The Sanctuary Lodge - but the browser tab displays the username - PaulBurridge
I want to display the Lodge name instead of the username but don't want to change actual data. I thought there would be a template somewhere that would allow me to change the field that appears in that location.
I hope this makes sense.