Hi, I had something strange today, that is not usually happening. A new user signed up and bought some merchandise. Then he paid by paypal. During the process his basket got deleted by username "System". The record is gone, only the payment record is still there and is correctly set to paid. So also the user's invoice is gone.
Now I checked the history logs and saw that between "Store Payment Basket" and the next entry "Updating payment record because of new status of payment basket: Completed because of event received: web_accept. Previous status was: NotInitiated" slightly more than 30 minutes passed.
Is there a time limit somewhere? Could it be that the basket was deleted because of more than 30 minutes passing between storing the basket and payment?
Last edit: 7 years 11 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6538] tag to subject
30 minutes isn't long enough for the basket to expire. The default expire time is 3 hours as configured in CBSubs > Settings > Display > Baskets. Were there any other IPNs before the payment IPN like a cancellation IPN?
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Please check within CBSubs > History Log for the full history of that payment to see what happened before the payment and before the basket was deleted. I'm not sure at this time what the user could've possibly done to cause this.
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See attached. Interestingly also two merchandises got deleted.
I checked back in the logs and I think this has never happened before. The only unusual thing is see is the long time between basket insertion and paypal payment event.
Were the merchandise plans purchased at the same time as the subscription? Are you sure there's no basket for this transaction as it may have just generated a new one.
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