I recently updated CB activity 3.0.1 to 4.0.0 and get the following error on the front end profile (index.php/my-account) after the update. When I unpublish the upgraded CB activity, the error ( and Activity tab) disappear. Error persists when I temporarily unpublish Auto Actions and Groupjive.
Joomla! 3.6.5
CB 2.1.2+build.2017.
CB Activity 4.0.0+build.2017.
CB Auto Actions 6.3.6+build.2017.
CB GroupJive 3.1.1+build.2017.
Error: 1267 - Illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'like' SQL=SELECT COUNT( a.`id` ) FROM `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity` AS a LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler` AS cb ON cb.`id` = a.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS j ON j.`id` = cb.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity_hidden` AS b ON b.`user_id` = xxxx AND ( ( b.`type` = 'activity' AND b.`item` = a.`id` ) OR ( b.`type` = 'activity.asset' AND b.`item` = a.`asset` ) OR ( b.`type` = 'activity.user' AND b.`item` = a.`user_id` ) ) LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity_read` AS c ON c.`user_id` = xxxx AND a.`asset` LIKE CONCAT( c.`asset`, '%' ) AND c.`date` >= a.`date` WHERE cb.`approved` = 1 AND cb.`confirmed` = 1 AND j.`block` = 0 AND a.`asset` LIKE 'notification.xxxx%' AND b.`id` IS NULL AND c.`id` IS NULL AND ( ( a.`asset` LIKE 'groupjive.group.%' AND ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__groupjive_groups` AS gj_g LEFT JOIN `#__groupjive_categories` AS gj_c ON gj_c.`id` = gj_g.`category` LEFT JOIN `#__groupjive_users` AS gj_u ON gj_u.`user_id` = xxxx AND gj_u.`group` = gj_g.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__groupjive_invites` AS gj_i ON gj_i.`group` = gj_g.`id` AND gj_i.`accepted` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AND ( ( gj_i.`email` = 'xxxx@xxxxxx' AND gj_i.`email` != '' ) OR ( gj_i.`user` = xxxx AND gj_i.`user` > 0 ) ) WHERE gj_g.`id` = SUBSTRING_INDEX( REPLACE( REPLACE( a.`asset`, 'notification.groupjive.group.', '' ), 'groupjive.group.', '' ), '.', 1 ) AND ( gj_g.`user_id` = xxxx OR ( gj_g.`published` = 1 AND ( gj_g.`type` IN ( 1, 2 ) OR gj_u.`status` IN ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) OR gj_i.`id` IS NOT NULL ) ) ) AND ( ( gj_c.`published` = 1 AND gj_c.`access` IN (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9) ) OR gj_g.`category` = 0 ) ) > 0 ) OR ( a.`asset` NOT LIKE 'groupjive.group.%' ) )