Well, the good(?) news is that it is releatable:
1. Create new user
2. Manually add subscription to their account
3. login - works fine
4. log-out
5. Manually unsubscribe them (within CB Paid Subscriptions | Subscriptions -> check Unsubscribe box and save)
6. Login - get "Your login is blocked")
In reviewing the admin, this is what I find about the 'state' of things:
CB Subscription entry:
* Has a subscription entry
* Status: Unsubscribed
* Autorenew Type: Manual
* Autorecurring Type: Not autorecurring
* Recurings used: 1
* Maximum recurrings: unlimited
CB User account:
* Banned: no
* Enabled: NO
* Confirmed: Yes
* Approved: Yes
CB User account Subscription Tab:
* Subscription has a "Resubscribe: 3 months for ... " checkbox (and Delete)
I've also tried resubscribing the test user and it works, then unsubscribing and get the same results (so very consistent).
I've also watched when testing and the user's Enabled field gets set to NO when the subscription gets set to unsubscribed (not based on them 'trying' to log-in).
So, I'm wondering if there is some way that when the user logs in, a bad log-in is getting redirected to some other (access restricted) page instead of the subscription renewal page?
One other thing that I don't understand ... how can they be presented with the 'renew' option, if they aren't logged in? (that's just a curiosity thing for me).
Other user-related extensions installed (Just in case they might have an impact on this):
* AltaUser Points
* uddeIM PMS
Any ideas what might be causing this?