When going to edit profile, the following error now pops up:
1054 Unknown column 'gj_g.type' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT COUNT( a.`id` ) FROM `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity` AS a LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity_hidden` AS b ON b.`type` = 'activity' AND b.`item` = a.`id` AND b.`user_id` = 260 LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler` AS c ON c.`id` = a.`user_id` LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS d ON d.`id` = c.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_members` AS e ON e.`pending` = 0 AND e.`accepted` = 1 AND e.`memberid` = a.`user_id` AND e.`referenceid` = 260 LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity` AS f ON ( ( f.`type` = 'activity' AND f.`item` = a.`id` ) OR ( f.`type` = 'activity' AND a.`type` = 'activity' AND f.`item` = a.`item` ) ) AND f.`id` NOT IN (SELECT `item` FROM `#__comprofiler_plugin_activity_hidden` WHERE `type` = 'activity' AND `item` = f.`id` AND `user_id` = 260) AND (f.`user_id` = 260 OR ( f.`type` IN ('status', 'field') AND f.`parent` = 260 ) OR ( f.`type` = 'profile' AND f.`subtype` = 'connection' AND f.`item` = 260 ) OR ( e.`memberid` IS NOT NULL )) AND f.`date` > a.`date` LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_gallery_items` AS gallery_item ON a.`type` = 'gallery' AND a.`subtype` = gallery_item.`type` AND a.`item` = gallery_item.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__comprofiler_plugin_gallery_folders` AS gallery_folder ON a.`type` = 'gallery' AND gallery_item.`folder` = gallery_folder.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__groupjive_plugin_photo` AS gj_p ON a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` = 'group.photo' AND a.`item` = gj_p.`id` LEFT JOIN `#__groupjive_plugin_wall` AS gj_w ON a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` = 'group.wall' AND a.`item` = gj_w.`id` WHERE b.`id` IS NULL AND f.`id` IS NULL AND c.`approved` = 1 AND c.`confirmed` = 1 AND d.`block` = 0 AND (a.`user_id` = 260 OR ( a.`type` IN ('status', 'field') AND a.`parent` = 260 ) OR ( a.`type` = 'profile' AND a.`subtype` = 'connection' AND a.`item` = 260 ) OR ( e.`memberid` IS NOT NULL )) AND ( ( a.`type` = 'gallery' AND gallery_item.`id` IS NOT NULL AND ( gallery_item.`published` = 1 OR gallery_item.`user_id` = 260 ) AND ( gallery_item.`folder` = 0 OR ( gallery_folder.`id` IS NOT NULL AND ( gallery_folder.`published` = 1 OR gallery_folder.`user_id` = 260 ) ) ) ) OR ( a.`type` != 'gallery' ) ) AND ( ( a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` = 'group.photo' AND gj_p.`id` IS NOT NULL AND ( gj_p.`user_id` = 260 OR ( gj_p.`published` = 1 AND ( gj_g.`type` IN ( 1, 2 ) OR gj_u.`status` > 0 ) ) ) ) OR ( a.`type` != 'groupjive' OR ( a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` != 'group.photo' ) ) ) AND ( ( a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` = 'group.wall' AND gj_w.`id` IS NOT NULL AND ( gj_w.`user_id` = 260 OR ( gj_w.`published` = 1 AND ( gj_g.`type` IN ( 1, 2 ) OR gj_u.`status` > 0 ) ) ) ) OR ( a.`type` != 'groupjive' OR ( a.`type` = 'groupjive' AND a.`subtype` != 'group.wall' ) ) )
All major plugins were updated a couple days ago!