When I make changes to the Default lanugage (English) overrides text area for one key, then save, then make changes to a different key's text, then save again, the first key's text gets reverted back to the original version.
I've checked in the /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/default_language/override.php file, and the plugin is reverting the content of that file when this happens.
If I edit that override.php directly (manually via ftp) the edits are saved and nothing gets changed.
The text that I am editing has quite a bit of html code in it.
In addition, when trying to initially save new rows they sometimes don't get saved (not in the plugin view or in the override.php file).
Could there be some html code that this plugin doesn't like to handle? Or could this be related to database issues?
We're using:
Joomla: 3.7.0 (with all caching disabled)
CB: 2.1.2+build.2017.
with all plugins updated as of 2017-05-09
PHP 7.0.17
DB: 5.5.52