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Overrides Editor reverts previous changes

  • cpaschen
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7 years 9 months ago #293921 by cpaschen
When I make changes to the Default lanugage (English) overrides text area for one key, then save, then make changes to a different key's text, then save again, the first key's text gets reverted back to the original version.

I've checked in the /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/default_language/override.php file, and the plugin is reverting the content of that file when this happens.

If I edit that override.php directly (manually via ftp) the edits are saved and nothing gets changed.

The text that I am editing has quite a bit of html code in it.

In addition, when trying to initially save new rows they sometimes don't get saved (not in the plugin view or in the override.php file).

Could there be some html code that this plugin doesn't like to handle? Or could this be related to database issues?

We're using:
Joomla: 3.7.0 (with all caching disabled)
CB: 2.1.2+build.2017.
with all plugins updated as of 2017-05-09
PHP 7.0.17
DB: 5.5.52

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  • krileon
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7 years 9 months ago #293923 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Overrides Editor reverts previous changes
The language key and value pairs are put into an array then stored as a PHP file. There's no database storage at all for language overrides. I'm unable to confirm your issue locally. Does your issue still happen even with the large amount of HTML removed? Do you've any sort of server side caching enabled?

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • cpaschen
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7 years 9 months ago #293960 by cpaschen
Replied by cpaschen on topic Overrides Editor reverts previous changes
I've checked with server host and no server cache running from them.

I have also disabled Joomla cache (and disabled the system cache plugin).

On further testing (after disabling the system cache plugin), it appears that the added row IS being saved; however, it is not being displayed when clicking the SAVE button. If I refresh the page (after clicking save) the new row is there.
If I add a row, click SAVE & CLOSE and then re-open, the new row is there.

So it looks like something is causing the editor view to not refresh the contents of the page after using the SAVE button. (And if you just click SAVE again, the un-refreshed content overrites the values in the file).

Any other ideas?

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  • krileon
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7 years 9 months ago #293973 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Overrides Editor reverts previous changes
It's the same issue as the below topic.

I've no idea the cause. I've tried to duplicate the issue and am unable to locally or on our demo site. I'm guessing somehow the overrides are parsed into XML before it saves, but I'm not sure how it could be doing that and they're not cached either so it shouldn't even matter.

Does this only happen if you have a lot of overrides or even if you only have 1 or 2? Note you can backup your overrides file it self then delete the overrides file to run tests without losing your overrides.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • cpaschen
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7 years 9 months ago #294004 by cpaschen
Replied by cpaschen on topic Overrides Editor reverts previous changes
I tested with just 2 overrides (REGISTER_TITLE and REGISTRATION_GREETING) - each with just basic text.
I made a minor change (added an exclamation point to end of greeting) and the problem still happens.

This site does have Cloudflare enabled on it (which does offer caching); however, even when cloudflare is put on 'pause' and the plugin disabled, the issue still happens.

This appears to be a problem with that Overrides tab of the 'default language' plugin not being properly refreshed. All saving functions appear to work properly.
Doing a simple refresh of the page after saving seems to make it work properly.

I'm guessing there is some conflict between this page and some other Joomla plugin (which, unfortunately, there are quite a few on this site).

Because we have a 'work-around' now (just save and then refresh) this isn't critical.

I'll leave this open and as I have time I'll do some additional testing to see if I can isolate if it is any other extension that might be causing the conflict.
As I've only seen this happen on one other site with CB it should be somewhat easy to narrow it down - IF it is an extension conflict.

I'll update this ticket when I find the extension (or rule out all 3rd party extensions).

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  • krileon
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7 years 9 months ago #294008 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Overrides Editor reverts previous changes
No idea. As with the other topic with same issue I've tested numerous times locally and on demo site. Prepared a clean local install to test again and still can't confirm. I can see no reason for this. The overrides are loaded via an include of the overrides.php which returns the overrides array which is passed to XML. This is all done immediately as the XML is being parsed and output. Only reason I can think of is some sort of caching of the page maybe or PHP level caching of the overrides file. If you do find a conflicting extension please do let us know as I don't know how this could be happening.

Kyle (Krileon)
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