I have several English overrides, all of them work fine, but there is one, no matter what I do will not override.
This override does not appear to work for:
PLEASE_CLICK_NOW_ON_THIS_BUTTON_TO_PAY_758068: Please click now on this button to pay
I am wanting
PLEASE_CLICK_NOW_ON_THIS_BUTTON_TO_PAY_758068: Please select your payment option below
I have several other overrides, and they work fine. Even when I update them, clear cache, they appear without issue.
For example, I created a temporary override that works for:
PAYMENT_BASKET_DOES_NOT_EXIST_02fedc: Payment basket does not exist. 5000
Yes, the 5000 is pointless, I just did it as a test, and it worked. Even when I deleted the override, it went back
I even tried manually editing (which I know is a no-no) the language.php in com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plugs_cbsubs/language... and view.showparams.xml in com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbsubs/xml/views... I have since returned these to default.
Any suggestions?