I have two fields, Phone Number USA/Canada (cb_phone) and Phone Number World (cb_phoneworld).
I am trying to set up a conditional to hide the cb_phoneworld field when someone selects United States or Canada from a dropdown populated by #__comprofiler_countries or hide cb_phone when someone selects any other country but United States or Canada
I have tried both Field Conditional Others (on the Country Dropdown cb_country) and Field Conditional Self (on cb_phone).
I can get it working for just one country at a time.
With Field Conditional Self on cb_phone:
I set CB Conditional 1 to Equal to United States Show, 2 to Equal to Canada Show, 3 Not Equal to United States Hide, 4 Not Equal to Canada Hide
With Field Conditional Other on cb_country I am doing the same, except, I chose show cb_phone and hide cb_phoneworld in 1 for United States and 2 for Canada
These works for the United States but not Canada.
Is there a way to make a field conditional for either one of two countries, and not the rest?