Hello Support,
I must be having a senile moment! I have downloaded and installed CB Content Bot and ensured it is enabled.
In each user profile I have a tab for Lodge History. It contains a single field cb_lodgehistory.
What I want to do is display that same information in an article. Based on the scant information I could find on the plugin I surmised I should simply add this code to the article...
<p>[cb:userfield field="cb_lodgehistory" /]</p>
... and the textarea content of cb_lodgehistory would appear as if by magic. No such luck.
I then thought that I ought to make sure it took the field from the correct profile so I selected author in the plugin. No change.
Have I completely misunderstood the use of this bot? Do I need to add extra code to identify correct profile? The information on substitutions just confused me even more.
Is there a video?
Please be gentle when you berate me for not seeing the blindingly obvious that I must have missed