Sorry, I should have said the user profile view (we're just calling it the 'dashboard' here because that's the common term these days
The code method should work fine; however, I've tried to use the include method, but I'm wondering if CB somehow does something with my include command or if there is some short-code to do an included within a code item.
I have:
include_once (JPATH_BASE.DS.'libraries'.DS.'books'.DS.'books_cb_dashboard_reviewstats.php');
$return = doUpdateDisplay($display);
But I'm getting an error "Call to undefined function doUpdateDisplay()"
Is there some 'trick' to doing an include_once within the code area? Or does my include file need to be located somewhere within the CB folder structure?
NOTE: I've tried also with JPATH_ROOT and JPATH_SITE with same results.