I have installed all the latest Joomla Version & CB Version & language plugins versions:
I am using the preinstalled CB field of the type: 'Disable Me' on my bilingual website (for the languages: German / English). Until now, the translation of this field worked perfectly. Look at the translations below:
The English Translation appeared as: "Disable account and user profile and related features."
The German Translation appeared as: "Konto mit Benutzerprofil und bezogenen Möglichkeiten deaktivieren"
...after the upgrade of certain CB components & plugins (I don't know which item caused the problem) the german translation of this field didn' t work anymore...
....In order to find out the reason I reinstalled a backup of my site where the translation was working found out that the responsible language string is located here:
'DISABLE_ACCOUNT_AND_USER_PROFILE_AND_RELATED_FEATU_e6213c' => 'Konto mit Benutzerprofil und bezogenen Möglichkeiten deaktivieren',
...so I inserted this line of code in the new de-de/cbplugin/cbprivacy-language.php file to check if this will solve my problem.....but there was no effect? Question...is this an obsolete language id?
in English and German as well (remark: I located the translation strings here: 'cbprivacy-language.php' file .... which Looks as follows: