My Environment:
Latest CB / latest Joomla version / latest CB Gallery plugin (2.1.x)
In order to translate a certain (*) CB Gallery language string into German I have proceeded as follows:
First I have searched for the corresponding language key which I wanted to translate. I found the key (*) in the following file:
'YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_ANYMORE_TYPES' => 'You can not upload anymore [types]. You have reached your quota.', (*)
'YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_ANYMORE_TYPES' => 'You can not link anymore [types]. You have reached your quota.',
Question 1: There are 2 identical language keys in this file for different!!! translations. I think this is not correct.... a second step I added a German translation string ( for (*) ) into the following file:
'YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_ANYMORE_TYPES' => 'Sie können keine [types] mehr hochladen. Ihr Limit wurde erreicht.',
.....but this didn't work. When I tried to upload more than the allowed amount of photos always the English (Default) translation appeared
Question 2: May be the language ID is not the correct one? (PS: In order to be sure that there is no caching problem with 'old' files from older versions of cb gallery, I deleted ALL old files from older versions.....but it didn't have any effect)
Last edit: 7 years 1 month ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject
First I have searched for the corresponding language key which I wanted to translate. I found the key (*) in the following file:
'YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_ANYMORE_TYPES' => 'You can not upload anymore [types]. You have reached your quota.', (*)
'YOU_CANNOT_CREATE_ANYMORE_TYPES' => 'You can not link anymore [types]. You have reached your quota.',
Question 1: There are 2 identical language keys in this file for different!!! translations. I think this is not correct....
This was a bug - fixes have been pushed - new release build is available for download and I have updated transifex