I have a front-end menu item to list all of my GJ groups (index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=pluginclass&plugin=cbgroupjive&action=allgroups).
I'm having a problem in that only some if my "Invite" type groups are showing on this page...I want them all to show. In looking at the backend configuration of each of these groups (via Groupjive/Groups menu item), I cannot see a difference between the settings of one that is showing as desired and one that is not. For the problematic Invite group, it shows when set to Open or Approval, but not invite.
I have attached a text file highlighting 2 rows from the _groupjive_groups database table. invite group ID 19 shows with all groups as desired, invite group ID 6 does not (except when type is changed to Open or Approval). Please advise.
Joomla! 3.8.1
CB 2.1.3+build.2017.
GJ 3.1.1+build.2017.