We are setting up a subscription service using CBSubs on a website and are trying to setup recurring payments with Paypal.
I have:
- Created a developer Paypal account
- created a sandbox business account
- created a sandbox user (buyer) account)
- Setup PDT and IPN as per the instructions in the Paypal Payment gateway instructions for CBSubs
- Enabled Paypal recurring subscriptions
- Set it to a paypal sandbox server
- Both the
Paypal Business and
Paypal main recevier account is the email address of the sandbox business account
- Filled out the Identity token field
I sign up with an account, choose a subscription plan. Get taken to paypal, asked to login and then get the following message:
I've tried everything I can. I set the payment gateway to be Enable Single Payments and that worked, just the recurring payments is throwing this error. If anyone could answer why this is happening that would be great, thanks