Hi Kyle - I tried to follow your advise but I don't know how to do this....lets look at the following screenshot. For this test I uploaded 1 gallery picture (blue)....and 1 avatar Picture (red)....(in both cases I used my smartphone an created an adhoc selfie)....
As you can see, the uploaded picture in the gallery tab area (which will be controlled by the CB Galley plugin) will always be upload in the correct orientation - I never had problems here.........in contrast to this, the orientation of the avatar picture is always wrong....the only settings to control the (Avatar)images are here....(in the Community Builder Edit Configuration)
....but here I have no field called: 'Client side resizing' which I could swich off...
PS: In the backend of the 'CB Gallery plugin' there is in fact a field called 'Client side resize' which i could switch off..but from my point of view the cb gallery plugin is not responsible to Control the upload process of the Avatar Images...
..or is there a missunderstanding from my side ?