Joomla 3.8.6
CB 2.1.4
I just learned from a user they were unable to update their profile. When you go into edit a profile, make changes, and press update a blank page appears..
With error reporting on this is the message:
Strict Standards: Declaration of getPlg_geofactory_profile_cbTab::saveEditTab() should be compatible with cbTabHandler::saveEditTab($tab, &$user, $ui, $postdata) in /home/cocaintl/ on line 303
Strict Standards: Declaration of getPlg_geofactory_profile_cbTab::getDisplayRegistration() should be compatible with cbTabHandler::getDisplayRegistration($tab, $user, $ui, $postdata) in /home/cocaintl/ on line 303
Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /home/..../libraries/CBLib/CB/Database/Table/UserTable.php on line 298
Any way you can help me out?