Hi guys, Joomla 3.8.5, Com builder 2.1.3 (i know not latest, havn't time for the update as yet)
I have an autoactions query that triggers ONAFTERREGISTRATION. It checks for potentially banned members that are re-applying again, inserts the results into a field (Text, read only) so it can be checked when mods do approvals and match to any similar profiles. The idea is i am inserting into the text field a full HTML string that can link straight to the potential banned profile with details.
The query is below, it works fine, returns whats needed, and CB "builds" it correctly with all the HTML concats in it BUT when the data inserts into then DB, it has stripped all the HTML. If i run the "built" query directly from MYSQL, it works fine, inserts HTML and looks good at the front end, exactly what wanted.
I cannot figure where the PHP( Im guessing) is stripping the HTML of the INSERT into DB! The field is set to accept all inputs, no banned words etc. it is also a DB record as we would like the info to stay from day of registration >
My question..how can i stop the HTML being stripped and have this full result inserted??
UPDATE `#__comprofiler`
SET `cb_cd_query_field` =
(Select * FROM(SELECT Group_concat('
','<br>NickName: <a
target="_blank">',`username`,'</a>', '<br>Name:',IFNULL(`firstName`, 'N/A'), ' ', IFNULL(`LastName`,'N/A'),
'<br>Phone:', IFNULL(`cb_phone`,'0'), '<br>PartnerName:', IFNULL(`cb_partnersrealname`,'N/A'), ' ',
IFNULL(`cb_partner_surname`,'N/A'), '<br>Address:', IFNULL(`cb_address`, 'N/A') separator '<p>')
From `#__comprofiler`
Inner Join `#__users` ON `#__users`.`id` = `#__comprofiler`.`id`
Where `#__users`.`username` != '[username]'
(`lastname` = '[lastname]'
AND `banned` = 1)
('[lastname]' = `cb_partner_surname`
AND `#__users`.`username` != '[username]'
AND `banned` = 1)
( `evyhc_users`.`username` != '[username]'
AND `banned` = 1
AND (`cb_phone` ='[cb_phone]'
OR `cb_phone` = '[cb_partnerscontact]')))tblTemp)
WHERE `id` = '[user_id]'