This is a sending error as well as a logging error (we get copies of the actual sent emails and numerous complaints).
The duplicates and triplicates are listed sequentially in the log file, (see the attachment Snap-CBSubs-Mailer-1, showing the Sent Messages log )
We have multiple mailers that are similar. We have an individual renewal reminder mailer for 35, 20 and 10 days prior and similar for renewal overdue (see the attachment Snap-CBSubs-Mailer-2, showing the Mailers). So the 35 day renewal reminder is always active awaiting a member due to renew, our previous system had members expiring at month end so there is a significant number that meet the conditions 35 days prior to month end (25 to 50 normally, but likely to be 250 at 30 June).
All of the mailers have similar settings and all send out similar duplicates and triplicate email messages.
We have tried many different settings for the mailers to no avail.
Regards, Robert