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How to pass correctly multiple-checkbox value(s) to database

  • Digigreg
  • Digigreg
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6 years 8 months ago #305395 by Digigreg
i'm creating an app connected to a Joomla-CB powered website.

I'm making some Ajax calls to read and write in the database.

All works properly also with CB users data, with this exception: when I need to save a multiple-checkbox value into the database, if I send onle one value (for example "test"), then all works perfectly, if I send more values separated with the default CB separator (for example "test|*|test2|*|test3"), then nothing is written into the database. I'm guessing that, there is a special filter or function in a CB controller to manage this situation. Could you please explain me how I can let it works?

Many thanks,
Kind regards.

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  • krileon
  • krileon
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6 years 8 months ago #305403 by krileon
I've no clue how you're trying to store data in the database so I've no idea what to suggest. Multi-select and Multi-checkbox fields store their values as |*| delimitered so test_1|*|test_2|*|test_3 is correct and valid.

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