I am getting a very strange password being mailed to the user at registration the email reads like so;
"Welcome Rodney Tagwira,
Your application has been approved by our administration team.
Your account with the following details:
Email: marlonmurahwa@gmail.com
Name: Rodney Tagwira
Username: 0813782611
Password: $2y$10$ePh0nWIH58QwVXcP/UqO2.SYUYegNrqJM9v./unzhtsbN3/LF8DoS
has been activated.
We welcome you to our online community and trust that together
we will grow.
Enjoy the experience!
Kind Regards,
Website Administration Team
NOTE: This email was automatically generated from gonyeti.co.zw (
The password mentioned is not the password - the actual password is 9AkxAXW2SCae and the passwords are being auto-generated by CB. Installed is CB 2.1.6 - I can't upgrade as I am afraid of breaking a great many things - CB SUBS 4.2.0+build.2018. and Almost all the other plugins available accept group jive related plugins, none of them act on the password though. I have an Auto Action that sends an SMS with the password and another that generates an email address for the case that user doesn't enter an email address at registration (emails are optional on this site) both are working as expected and the password SMSed is correct. I am stumped as to why CB would email in this manner. Any help would as always be greatly appreciated.