About a month ago, I logged into my site,
and was hit with a "Not Authorized to View this Page" message. My husband, who is a programmer for a living, and I was looking for the problem, then it started working, but we didn't really change anything. We didn't know what to think.
Then, everything was fine until last Tuesday, when I had my business partner over and he logged in for the first time in months and was met with the same error page. Then, not even 20 minutes later, I couldn't get in on my computer anymore.
Today, I was reading through your forums, and followed one of them that made a configuration suggestion to make the user registration "no", and CB registration to yes, and use outside sources. Then, I tested the log in, and it worked on my computer. It went right to my profile page.
I went to my husbands computer and the error still was there. I check our phones, still there. I checked another computer in the house, still there. The only one that it worked on was my MacBook Pro.
Then, something really weird happened. I logged out on my computer and logged back in and now it won't redirect to the profile page. It's like it's gone crazy or something. We haven't released the site yet. Been working for a year on this project, and want it to run smooth. Thanks for any help you can offer.
I hope I gave enough info.
You can go to the site at
use the test log in. username: connietest password connietest
I am using the Ambrosia Template from Rockettheme and running Gantry
Also running the latest CB and Subs.
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