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[SOLVED] cbsubs: No tax for european company with european tax id

6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306502 by Andromeda57
In B2C the seller has to pay the valid tax from the customer's country when selling digital goods like ebooks, downloads, abonnements, accounts or services. But this is not new, we have to do it since the beginning of 2015.

But your tax module can not handle more tax rates from same geo zones and different situations.

For example:

A seller from germany. In germany there is 19% tax.

1. B2C and B2B from germany charges always 19% tax.
2. B2B from other european country with valid vat charges 0% tax.
3. B2B from other european country without valid vat charges 19% tax.
4. B2C from other european country charges always the valid tax of the customer's country, because the account / abonnement is a digital good/service.

The problem is: When there is a B2C from other european country, cbsubs takes 0%, 19% and (for example when the customer is from austria) 20%... :(

We read the manual but do not find any solution to get the tax module work with european law...

Main problem right now:

In B2B from other european country without vat there should be 19%, but when the company inserts valid vat there should be 0%. How can we configure that? We have to tax rates for that, but when the customer inserts own vat, cb subs takes both tax rates...
Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by Andromeda57.

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306504 by beat
CBSubs can handle the standard EU cases, with proper configuration.
You can set a geographic zone for each country in which you have to pay VAT for, and set tax rates for each situation (B2B, B2C if different, otherwise a single tax rate) for that country.

There seems to be a small bug for the "B2B based only on presence of company-name" test, but that is not a valid rule in EU to my knowledge, as only VAT-validated numbers are a valid rule iirc.

EDIT: And i'm working on confirming that "B2B based only on presence of company-name" bug and if confirmed, will fix it.

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Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by beat.

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306507 by Andromeda57
Yes, and thanks so far.

But there will never be just one tax rate for european countries. There will be at last 2 or even 3 tax rates. I european country has a valid vat, there is 0% and if the country do not have own vat, there is the tax rate of the seller's country. So we have at least 2 tax rates.

What i do not understand:

How can we configure that? Do we have to create 2 tax rates? One with 19% for all european countrys and one with 0% for all european countrys, when there is a valid vat? Because if we do so, cb subs takes 19% and 0 % when the customer adds own valid vat in invoice address...

So, we do not know how to configure that? And it is getting much more complicated when the customer is a b2c case... Then we have all 3 tax rates.. :(

EDIT: I think we could manage all these tax situations, but some cb subs configuration seems not to work. When we set: "Export sales -> Yes, apply this tax, but for customers only - B2C" the tax is even taken from cb subs, when the customer adds company name in invoice address...

EDIT2: Perhaps you can change the trigger on comapny name field to a new dropdown or checkbox field for companies. That would be better. Some companies do not have a company name for example and without adding information in the company name field, they get wrong tax...
Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by Andromeda57.

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306618 by Andromeda57
Hello guys,

still no solution? Need the invoice system asap, but we can not use it when the tax module can not be used in europe..

EDIT: Ok, we block users from european countries now. If you have a solution for using cbsubs with european users please let me know.
Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by Andromeda57.

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306648 by Andromeda57
Replied by Andromeda57 on topic cbsubs tax module not usable in europe
Hello, guys. So i open a new threaad for bug reporting in cb subs tax module.

We've been trying to use it in europe for nearly two weeks now. But without results.

It is not allowed to use cb subs with invoices in europe.

For example, we use a tax for b2c only with validation of company name.

But this is not working. Even if a customer has a company name, cb subs charges the tax...

So my question is: Do you plan to make the invoices compatible for european law or can you change "invoices" to "Receipt, no tax invoice, not for the tax office." ?

And just another thing: It is much better to validate if it is b2b or b2b, when the customer clicks "I am a company" or "I am a customer". Just to see if the customer has a company name is really a bad way. There are so many companies not having a special comapny name and just giving first- and lastname.
Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by krileon.

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #306664 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic cbsubs tax module not usable in europe
I've merged your two topics. Please do not create duplicate topics and do not tag topics (e.g. [BUG]). Beat has already replied to you with a solution (setting up the necessary geographic zones and their tax rates) and noting there is a possible bug with B2C validating with company name only that he is currently investigating.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by krileon.

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