In B2C the seller has to pay the valid tax from the customer's country when selling digital goods like ebooks, downloads, abonnements, accounts or services. But this is not new, we have to do it since the beginning of 2015.
But your tax module can not handle more tax rates from same geo zones and different situations.
For example:
A seller from germany. In germany there is 19% tax.
1. B2C and B2B from germany charges always 19% tax.
2. B2B from other european country with valid vat charges 0% tax.
3. B2B from other european country without valid vat charges 19% tax.
4. B2C from other european country charges always the valid tax of the customer's country, because the account / abonnement is a digital good/service.
The problem is: When there is a B2C from other european country, cbsubs takes 0%, 19% and (for example when the customer is from austria) 20%...
We read the manual but do not find any solution to get the tax module work with european law...
Main problem right now:
In B2B from other european country without vat there should be 19%, but when the company inserts valid vat there should be 0%. How can we configure that? We have to tax rates for that, but when the customer inserts own vat, cb subs takes both tax rates...