Probably just need a subquery to lookup the label. Example as follows.
, (
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( IF( fv.`fieldlabel` != '', fv.`fieldlabel`, fv.`fieldtitle` ) SEPARATOR ', ' )
FROM `#__comprofiler_field_values` AS fv
INNER JOIN `#__comprofiler_fields` AS f
ON f.`fieldid` = fv.`fieldid`
WHERE f.`name` = 'FIELD_NAME'
AND FIND_IN_SET( fv.`fieldtitle`, REPLACE( cb.`FIELD_NAME`, '|*|', ',' ) ) != 0
) AS 'FIELD_NAME_labels'
FROM `#__comprofiler` AS cb
Basically you've a subquery that splits the field into comma separated values for a lookup check in the field values table. Replace FIELD_NAME with the name of your field and #_ with your database prefix to give it a test. Probably better ways to do it, but I'm no database expert. If you're using language strings as labels they won't translate though as language strings are file based storage.