There's not a trigger specifically for that in CBSubs. You'd need to act on onCPayAfterPaymentStatusUpdateEvent then have to check the basket if a coupon was used. The variables for that trigger are as follows.
* Handles changes of payment basket $paymentBasket payment statuses events
* This function may be called more than one time for events different than the Completed or Processed state if there are multiple notifications
* $unifiedStatus status mappings with e.g. Paypal status:
* CB Unified status Paypal status
* Completed <-- Completed
* Processed <-- Processed, Canceled_Reversal
* Denied <-- Denied, Expired, Failed, Voided
* Refunded <-- Reversed, Refunded, Partially-Refunded
* Pending <-- Pending, In-Progress
* RegistrationCancelled <-- A new cb registration got cancelled by user (e.g. paypal cancel payment button)
* @param UserTable $user User paying
* @param cbpaidPaymentBasket $paymentBasket CBPaid Payment basket being paid (corresponding to PayPal variable names)
* @param cbpaidUsersubscriptionRecord[] $subscriptions CBPay Subscriptions being paid
* @param string $unifiedStatus new unified status: see above
* @param string $previousUnifiedStatus previous unified status: see above
* @param string $eventType type of event (paypal type): 'web_accept', 'subscr_payment', 'subscr_signup', 'subscr_modify', 'subscr_eot', 'subscr_cancel', 'subscr_failed'
* @param cbpaidPaymentNotification $notification notification object of the payment
* @return void
public function onCPayAfterPaymentStatusUpdateEvent( &$user, &$paymentBasket, &$subscriptions, $unifiedStatus, $previousUnifiedStatus, $eventType, $notification )
This means access to the basket object would be done through var2. The tricky part is the coupons are stored as integration parameters, but CB Auto Actions will attempt to convert other param objects into substitutions if possible. So the below is normally what you'd do using API.
$integrationParams = $paymentBasket->getParams( 'integrations' );
$coupons = $integrationParams->get( 'promotions_coupons', null );
The coupons are then just delimitered with |*| like any multiselect field would be. To access this with substitutions you should be able to use the below.
Normally CB Auto Actions would try to parse this into more substitutions, but it's just a JSON string so it won't do anything with it at this time. This means with the above you'd get something like the below.
That'd be what it would look like if a coupon with a code of 20-off was used. Should work fine using a Contains operator in your condition to check for your coupon code though. Example as follows.
[var2_integrations] Does Contain 20-off
To be sure the basket is completed you'll need to also check the status. So the below conditions should ensure the basket is completed and it was completed with your specific coupon.
1. [var4] Is REGEX /Completed|Processed/
2. [var2_integrations] Does Contain 20-off