We have an error with one of our websites.
The website itself works fine but the problems start when we update Community builder.
The live website is
We have a staging website which is staging.act4you.nl
As you can see on the both websites, they are different from each other when you get in the community builder section.
(Don't mind the Image size difference on both pages, this is because of the Password Protected Directory.)
On these pages the problems start.
When you click on an image on the staging website you will get a 404 with the url being:
Which would for example normally result in:
When you click on the Name instead of the image it works.
The next big thing that doesn't work is the custom template for Act4you in the Community Builder.
As you can see on:
It looks like the new version of Community Builder doesn't work with the old custom template or doesn't see the Community Builder Profile Pro code for some reason.
Also when we edit a user in the Community Builder back-end we are missing a tab "Profile Pro" which was here before updating.
We have also send this in a private e-mail with login details but didn't get a response yet.
Can you please look into it so we can proceed.
Kind regards,