I have noticed that on smartphones the message window display is located at the full bottom of the page and we had to scroll a long way to access it.
The behavior occurs at width : 575px. Above the display is fine, under we have to scroll.
We tracked it to the top css which is way too low in the following code.
<div id="qtip-59" class="qtip cb_template cb_template_4d95f3 pmMessagesModal popover qtip-modal qtip-pos-c qtip-fixed qtip-focus qtip-hover" tracking="false" role="alert" aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="false" aria-describedby="qtip-59-content" aria-hidden="false" data-qtip-id="59" style="width: 90%; height: 90%; z-index: 14801; top: -2163px; left: 29px; display: block;"><div class="qtip-tip" style="display: none;"><canvas></canvas></div><div class="qtip-content p-0 popover-body" id="qtip-59-content" aria-atomic="true" style="height: 100%; max-height: 5144px;"><div class="d-flex flex-column h-100 mh-100 pmMessages pmMessagesDefault" style="display: block; visibility: visible;">
Setting top : 0px solves the display on small screens.
Can you tell me where to change it in css template or is it dynamically outputed by qtip ?
Best thing would be to simply redirect to the plugin page when this is displayed on small screens to avoid modal windows under 576px if you agree ?