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Navigate to CBSubs > Import. The formats available describe how you need to format your import file. Using "File (each line: userid,planid,status,subscription date)" mode lets you specify their subscription date individually. The expiration date is based off the duration of the plan you're subscribing them to so you can not set that specifically.Thyx tha would be nice. I havent understand your answer of the first question. Where can i set the subription day manually.
See the below topic regarding displaying a plans expiration date as a field.Extendend Question is: How can create a costum field with information of the expired day of a plan or and the payment status? So i can visualize within this list the day of expired day. And i will this do so for the payment status. Payed or unpayed. Nice would be a srcipt thats marks the expired day in red for the future or in red for in the past of today.
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