I would like to verify users by allowing them to upload a copy of id in profile.
I am thinking of the following workflow:
1- user enter id number, id expiry date, and upload a copy of id
2- admins get notified of user request to verify
3- if admin approve then a (verified badge) show in user profile, and user get a (verified acl)
4- on id expiry date, the badge will be auto removed and the verified acl will be removed also
5- user have to update id again and get approved again by admin.
6- if user edit or change the above info, also has to be verified again, just like expiry or new request.
I have created the following fields to collect user data:
cb_verified_personal_id_nember - text field
cb_verified_personal_id_expiry_date - date field
cb_verified_personal_id_copy - file field
And the following field to show the badge:
cb_verified_personal_badge - custom html field
And the following field used by admins to mark user as approved after review of id copy:
cb_verified_personal_user - Radio Buttons (YES NO)
I believe it can be to accomplished maybe by using cb auto actions and cb Query, but can't figure it out.
Any hints?