So this worked - THANK YOU
!!!!! I wanted to enhance the picture with explanatory text (encapsulated in a language string I added to the corresponding language plugins) .....
...I added this string to the statement you gave me
[cb:if user_id="myid"][value]
[cb:elseif user="#me" avatar!~"/nophoto_n\.png/" and avatarapproved="1"][value]
[cb:else]<a href="[cb:url location="profile_view" /]"><img src="[cb:config param="live_site" /]/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/images/avatar/tnnophotostop_n.png" class="cbImgPict cbThumbPict img-thumbnail" />
...for some reasons the system does not replace with the corresponding language ....the result looks like this
could you pls tell me why?