It will stay reversed until the dispute is won. If the dispute was won you should've had a notification from Stripe regarding that within CBSubs > Notifications and the subscription should have been restored. Check within Stripe > Developers > Webhooks > YOUR_URL > Logs to see if sending that webhook was even attempted (probably can also see the chain of events under Developers > Events or by reviewing the Dispute). If however the dispute happened when CBSubs Stripe was in its infancy for this API handling the subscription may have been missing the reversed state and it couldn't revert it. Have any other disputes had this issue?
Second question : is it possible to link Stripe and CBSubs so that when Stripe continues to recur payments there is some indication on our CBsubs dashboard ?
Probably just need to manually reverse the subscription within CBSubs > Subscriptions by clicking the # under the Id column. The previous states are stored there that you can swap with the current states.