NOTICE: Trying to get property 'id' of non-object in /home/mariagua/public_html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/controllers/cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php on line 176
Trace:called in class cbpaidErrorHandler::_error_handler_callable(8, "Trying to get property 'id' of non-object", "/home/mariagua/public_html/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/controllers/cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php", 176, array("tab" => NULL, "user" => NULL, "ui" => 1, "postdata" => array(), "_CB_framework" => object(CBframework), "ueConfig" => array("name_style" => "1", "name_format" => "3", "date_format" => "m/d/Y", "time_format" => "H:i:s", "calendar_type" => "2", "allow_email_display" => "3", "allow_email_public" => "0", "allow_email_replyto" => "1", "allow_email" => "1", "allow_website" => "1", "allow_onlinestatus" => "1", "icons_display" => "3", "login_type" => "0", "reg_admin_allowcbregistration" => "0", "emailpass" => "0", "reg_admin_approval" => "0", "reg_confirmation" => "1", "reg_username_checker" => "0", "reg_ipaddress" => "1", "reg_show_login_on_page" => "0", "reg_email_name" => "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FROM_NAME", "reg_email_from" => "", "reg_email_replyto" => "", "reg_email_html" => "0", "reg_pend_appr_sub" => "YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUBJECT", "reg_pend_appr_msg" => "YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE", "reg_welcome_sub" => "YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT", "reg_welcome_msg" => "YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_MESSAGE", "reg_layout" => "flat", "reg_show_icons_explain" => "0", "reg_title_img" => "general", "reg_intro_msg" => "REGISTRATION_GREETING", "reg_conclusion_msg" => "REGISTRATION_CONCLUSION", "reg_first_visit_url" => "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile", "usernameedit" => "1", "usernamefallback" => "name", "adminrequiredfields" => "1", "profile_viewaccesslevel" => "2", "maxEmailsPerHr" => "10", "profile_recordviews" => "1", "minHitsInterval" => "60", "templatedir" => "default", "use_divs" => "1", "mainLayoutLeftSize" => "3", "mainLayoutMiddleSize" => "0", "mainLayoutRightSize" => "3", "showEmptyTabs" => "1", "showEmptyFields" => "1", "emptyFieldsText" => "-", "frontend_userparams" => "1", "profile_edit_layout" => "tabbed", "profile_edit_show_icons_explain" => "0", "html_filter_allowed_tags" => "", "conversiontype" => "0", "avatarResizeAlways" => "1", "avatarHeight" => "500", "avatarWidth" => "200", "avatarSize" => "2000", "thumbHeight" => "86", "thumbWidth" => "60", "avatarMaintainRatio" => "1", "moderator_viewaccesslevel" => "3", "allowModUserApproval" => "1", "moderatorEmail" => "1", "allowUserReports" => "1", "avatarUploadApproval" => "1", "allowModeratorsUserEdit" => "0", "allowUserBanning" => "1", "allowConnections" => "1", "connectionDisplay" => "0", "connectionPath" => "1", "useMutualConnections" => "1", "conNotifyType" => "0", "autoAddConnections" => "1", "connection_categories" => "Friend
Co Worker
Family", "translations_debug" => "0", "enableSpoofCheck" => "1", "noVersionCheck" => "0", "pluginVersionCheck" => "1", "installFromWeb" => "1", "sendemails" => "1", "templateBootstrap4" => "1", "templateFontawesme" => "1", "jsJquery" => "1", "jsJqueryMigrate" => "1", "poweredBy" => "0", "footerplugin" => "1", "version" => "2.4.2", "BootstrapOffWarning" => "", "FontawesomeOffWarning" => "", "jQueryOffWarning" => "", "jQueryMigrateOffWarning" => "", "footerfWarning" => "", "allow_profileviewbyGID" => "2", "imageApproverGid" => "6", "reg_email_checker" => "0", "reg_toc_url" => "", "num_per_page" => "30", "allow_profilelink" => "1", "nesttabs" => "0", "xhtmlComply" => "1", "im_path" => "auto", "netpbm_path" => "auto", "allowAvatar" => "1", "allowAvatarUpload" => "1", "allowAvatarGallery" => "1"), "result" => NULL, "do" => "addplanstobasket", "now" => 1570066114, "selectedPlans" => array(0 => )) on line 176 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php
called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent(NULL, NULL, 1, array()) on line 885 in file cbPluginHandler.php
called in class cbPluginHandler::call(506, "getCBpluginComponent", "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", array(0 => NULL, 1 => NULL, 2 => 1, 3 => array()), NULL) on line 1415 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin(NULL, NULL, "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", "getCBpluginComponent", "506", array()) on line 1529 in file cbTabs.php
called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs(NULL, array(), "cbpaidsubscriptions", "CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions", "getCBpluginComponent") on line 719 in file comprofiler.php
called in function tabClass("com_comprofiler", "pluginclass", 0) on line 274 in file comprofiler.php
called in function require_once("/home/mariagua/public_html/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php") on line 402 in file ComponentHelper.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::executeComponent("/home/mariagua/public_html/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php") on line 377 in file ComponentHelper.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent("com_comprofiler") on line 194 in file SiteApplication.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication::dispatch() on line 233 in file SiteApplication.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication::doExecute() on line 196 in file CMSApplication.php
called in class Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication::execute() on line 49 in file index.php
$_GET = array (
'option' => 'com_comprofiler',
'task' => 'pluginclass',
'plugin' => 'cbpaidsubscriptions',
'do' => 'addplanstobasket',
'plans' => '8',
'Itemid' => NULL,
'view' => 'pluginclass',
$_POST = array (
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