I have a problem with cb content module.
In the edit profile the user can set the privacy of fields, so let us take an example:
cb_phone_number = Users (German = Mitglieder)
I need in an article with the cb content module a list of fields with label and value
field_label1: [cb:userfield field="field1" /]
cb_phone_number_label: [cb:userfield field="cb_phone_number" /]
field_label2: [cb:userfield field="field2" /]
But if the cb_phone_number field is set to privacy level "Users", this don't works and the field label is shown, but the field value not in public view.
So now I am searching for an solution, for getting the field label also hidden in public view, if the privacy of that field is set to "User".
What can I do?
Thanks, best regards