just to be sure...
- I was using "classic" CBuilder without CBSubs : when a new user registered, he got a "welcome mail" set in CBuilder / Settings* / Registration".
- I am now switching to CBSubs : I think the basic welcome mail is not sent anymore. Am I right ?
- To replace it, I could use the mailing function of each plan : but users can subscribe at several plans at once... and I don't want to send several mails at once. So I am now thinking to use an AutoAction mail with the trigger "OnAfterUserRegistration" : but it doesn't show the paiement details since regsitration process occurs before paiement. onCPayAfterPaiementStatutsChange will be called several times when paying online as an example. Which trigger could be called (the latest possible in the process, but called just once at the end) ?
Thanks by advance for your light
* I am using french version of Joomla admin panel, so I just try to guess what the links could be in english