You're trying to force GJ Events and CB Activity to do something it was never designed to do, which could be a problem later down the road as both plugins change.
$variables->set( 'asset', 'event.wanted.[var3_id].profile.[user_id].action.[var3_params_action_id]' );
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It absolutely will. GJ Events will be deprecated and removed in the future. It will be replaced by CB Events, which will provide generalize event list and calendar solution that can be used within GJ and standalone. It'll be similar to CB Activity and CB Gallery in that there can be an unlimited amount of event lists or calendars. It then will integrate with CB Activity for easy creating of events from a stream similar to CB Gallery allowing upload from CB Activity.Hope evolution of these two will not contradict our plans but for now, it's a good combination.
With the above in mind GJ plugins are basically on a feature freeze. GJ Files, GJ Videos, and GJ Photos are officially replaced with CB Gallery integration through CB Auto Actions and GJ Wall is replaced by CB Activity integration. Once the integrations are moved into GJ and out of CB Auto Actions migration code will be added for those plugins and they will be removed. Same will be done for GJ Events once CB Events is available.My suggestion would be to change GJ Events entry form to match GJ Activities entry form for the message and tweak a little the presentation for mobiles.
Does it display in the right order or is it pushed to the bottom of the events list? If it displays in the right order, but shows as expired it's likely just a bug in the template file.BTW I have also noticed that when a GJ Event did not have an end date it was displayed as ended. That should not be the case, it should stay open since the start date and display without an end.
Are you trying to output something on those triggers? Do not output anything in your auto action. Its output should be set to default None. If there's an error in your code that could be throwing an error, warning, or notice that would also disrupt the output.This works fine with the triggers activity_onAfterCreateStreamActivity and activity_onAfterUpdateStreamActivity for creation of activities. However when an activity is modified, all corrections are correctly stored but instead of returning the activity page, I only get the json message and have to go back to display the correct page.
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It will be replaced by CB Events,
Does it display in the right order or is it pushed to the bottom of the events list? If it displays in the right order, but shows as expired it's likely just a bug in the template file.
Are you trying to output something on those triggers?
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I don't have a timeframe for when CB Events will be available.That's fine, in this case, we won't use CB Activity to create an event for now and focus only on GJ event edit page . This is ok for us to use an event component, as I wrote, this seems the best thing to do.
Any idea when you'll have a beta of CB Events ?
Ok, since it's in the right order it's just a visual bug. Have added a bug ticket to fix.Yes it does display in the right order but it shows expired with a mention. All events without end dates show as expired. The template is the default one.
Strange, I don't have an explanation for that. That trigger doesn't attempt to output anything so the only way it could break is if there was an echo or something outputting something to break the JSON response. What's the exact auto action configuration you're using on that trigger?No there are no outputs, it works fine with the creation process; only the modification process outputs a json element.
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What's the exact auto action configuration you're using on that trigger?
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