I follow on this post
Custom fields
with a specific question that could apply to all query fields.
We have this query :
SELECT e.* FROM `#__groupjive_plugin_events` AS e JOIN `#__groupjive_plugin_events_attendance` AS a on a.`user_id` = '[user_id]' AND a.`event` = e.`id` JOIN `#__groupjive_groups` AS b ON b.`id` = e.`group` AND ( b.`category` = '13' OR b.`id` = '56' )
And for the value in the layout field we would like to display a field from the user id selected in the query, ie user_id of the event owner like
[value] [cb:userdata field="cb_marketing_multiplier" user="user_id" /]
Of course this does not work, because it's getting the id of the viewing user and not the owner of the selected row.
Would it be possible to add a layout to the value column so that we can extract data from the row, ie the owner user id in this case ?
Or do you see another solution ?
Thanks in advance